First Lutheran Fund

The First Lutheran Fund (FLF) was designed for donors to make legacy gifts to support the church and it’s ministries. Unlike Endowment gifts were the principal is never spent, some of all of any FLF donation can be spent at any time.

FLF gifts can be given to the “glory of God” or in honor/memory of a loved one. They can also be undesignated or designated at the discretion of the donors. A FLF committee makes spending recommendations for the Church Council’s approval and is responsible for managing its assets. Committee members serve rotating terms and are elected at the church’s annual meeting.

Undesignated Gifts can be spent on anything related to the church and its ministries.

Designated Gifts can be spent on anything related to donor’s instructions. Designations can be more general, very specific or anything in between.

An example of a general designation would be for any facility need of the church. That means the money could be spent on any remodeling project, expenses related to the parking lot, upgrading light fixtures, purchasing new altar guild items, etc.

Or, a gift could be designated for something specific like senior choir music. If that were the case, the FLF committee would inform the Senior Choir Director of the donation and the purchase of new music could be made using this gift.

A gift in between general or specific could be something like Sunday School curricula. Money could be spent on materials, crafts, software, etc. related to Sunday School education.

If you would like to make a legacy gift to the First Lutheran Fund, please take a look at the FLF brochure and consider talking with one of the pastors. They would be pleased to assist you.