Want to Join First Lutheran?


It’s easy! A one-size-fits-all new member class is offered twice a year: once in the spring and again in the fall. That means anyone who would like to join the church regardless of their past church affiliation is asked to participate in one of these orientations.

The class takes place on a Sunday afternoon from 1:00–5:50 pm. At this fun and informative session, participants have an opportunity to learn more about their faith, tour and learn the history of FLC, meet new people and receive membership materials. New members are officially received into the life of the church on the following Sunday at the 10:00 am service.

If you are interested in membership or simply want to learn more at FLC and its ministries, please contact Pastor Bill Lehman or call him at the church office: 873-7761.

Don’t want to become a member yet but still want to participate in FLC’s ministries? 
That’s OK, too! We know people want to check out a congregation before making a commitment to join, so we encourage people to worship and participate in any FLC event even if they are not members. We believe once you get to know us, you will be excited to make your membership official.