River Food Pantry

2201 Darwin Road
Madison, WI


The River Food Pantry is the busiest pantry in Dane County, is almost 100% volunteer run and helps around 2,000 households each month. Each week they serve 300 meals and give away between 15,000 to 20,000 lbs. of food.


The River Food Pantry is located at 2201 Darwin Road in Madison
(just off Northport Drive; the street before the main entrance to the Dane County Regional Airport.)


How can YOu Help?

Volunteer your time. Many times throughout the year, there will be a group of people going to work at the River Food Pantry. The group will assist in food pantry distribution, children’s area and serving meals. Volunteers will carpool from Stoughton. If you are already in Madison you can meet the group there. This is a great
opportunity for older children, teens, and of course, adults. 


What to expect if you volunteer:

  • Once you arrive park outside on the street. Sign in and get a nametag in the pantry area. At 4:50 pm there is a session for volunteers where you are given an overview of all of the stations. Then you indicate which station you want.
  • There is a wide variety of activities to choose from! You can serve food, bus tables, guide clients as they shop, hand out free items, hand out fruit and veggies, help with carts, watch children in the playroom.
  • Children age 8 and up are welcome to help. The jobs they usually do are handing out fruits and veggies or busing tables. You must be 16 and older to serve food in the kitchen.
  • Most of the stations are light physical activity but you will be on your feet the whole time. (Except when you get a break to eat.)
  • Wear closed toe shoes and a hair tie (if you need it )
  • It’s a fun atmosphere! On Friday nights they have often have live music and there are tablecloths and flowers on the tables. Note: If you are a musician and want to volunteer to play or sing contact the River. All family friendly music is acceptable. 


Watch for more sign up times in the Bulletin , Announcement Loop and Information Center.