SUNDAY, JULY 7 ~ Only One Service

Patriotic Service 9:00 Am

Watch a live stream of the Patriotic service, here on Sunday, 8:30 am CST.




Flat Jesus

Summertime is a perfect time to show that Jesus is always with you! Take Jesus on some adventures this summer. While traveling near or far, take photos of you, your family and friends with Flat Jesus! Be sure to share these photos with FLC and your friends.

You can get a copy of Flat Jesus to color here or in the Information center at FLC.

I'm New to FLC

I'm New to FLC

Small Groups

Small Groups

Kids and Students

Kids and Students








This week’s happenings…

WEDNESday, June 26

8:30 am Newsletter Assembly

ThurSday, June 27

4th of July ~ Office Closed

For other events, please go to the Calendar or Upcoming Events pages.

Watch the latest services…

Spirited traditional
June 30 AT 8:30 AM

While watching this service video,
follow along using this
Bulletin. Please check out the corresponding Announcements too.

For other past services, please go to the
Service Videos page.

Do you enjoy contemporary Christian music? Are you a keyboard player? First Lutheran Church is seeking a
part-time keyboardist to join our established praise band.
This group leads a contemporary Sunday service at 10 am and also plays for a few other special services throughout the year. The position includes two evening rehearsals per month. Compensation is on a per service basis.

Weekends off are negotiable. Organ playing skills and choir accompanying experience are preferred but not required. Want to know more? Wish to apply? Email questions and/or resume to: Please include your contact information.
We would like to discuss this opportunity with you.



"I liked when we moved here that people at church were very supportive. We made a lot of friends here and my daughter made a lot of friends here when she didn’t feel like she had many friends at school.  That was really important to us.”

- Robin B

Check out more testimonials here.

Check out our recent events...

More photos of events and happenings can be found in the Photo Gallery.