Helping Others — First Lutheran Church

Helping Others

God calls us to serve others in need as a faithful response to what Christ has done for us. At First Lutheran, there are many ways to help God’s children locally, nationally and internationally

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Baby Baskets

Baby baskets are filled by First Lutheran members and delivered to families in need. It is a great way for families who have very little in the way of resources get the essentials they need. Each month volunteers fill 7-10 baby baskets with items donated by First Lutheran members. In the past volunteers have included individuals or groups of both kids and adults. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to fill the baskets.


FLC Quilters

The quilters meet on the first Monday of the week from January thru April to make quilts and lap robes. Quilted items are given to local and global agencies.

Recipients of FLC's quilts include:

  • Dane County Social Services

  • Salvation Army Shelter for Women and Children

  • Skaalen Retirement Home

  • Shillelagh Foundation for golf tournament raffle/auction


Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes is a First Lutheran ministry that provides meals for members who need a little TLC. Meal recipients could include members who have recently come home from the hospital, lost a loved one, welcomed a new baby, or found themselves in need of extra care. These meals are made and delivered by FLC members.


River Food Pantry

The River Food Pantry is the busiest pantry in Dane County, is
almost 100% volunteer run and helps around 2,000 households
each month. Monthly, FLC members help to serve meals and give away food at the pantry.


Turkey Drive

A Turkey Drive is organized in November. FLC collects and delivers Turkeys and all the fixings to local families in need. The Stoughton School board gives the church names of families who could the meal. Church members deliver the uncooked meals on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.