Your gifts make a difference!
All promises and gifts, no matter how big or small, are tangible expressions of faith.
Churchwide Ministries
There are several churchwide ministries available to support through your gifts and offerings.
Hunger Appeal – provides financial resources to help the hungry of the world. (FLC members make donations through their blue offering envelopes.) Did you know that the World Hunger Appeal is one of the highest rated
non-profit food agencies in the world?
"Your gift supports animal husbandry, health clinics and micro loans, and education and advocacy for communities in need in more than 60 countries including the United States. Your generous gift is a beautiful reflection of God’s love.
Thank you!"
FLC Scholarships – There is one scholarship opportunities at FLC:
Melissa Speich Memorial Scholarship Fund which promotes the advancement of health, nutrition and physical
Good Samaritan Fund – provides assistance to travelers (not residents) going through Stoughton that have special needs. Vouchers can be given to recipients to purchase gas, food and lodging that is needed on an emergency basis. Almost all of the churches have such vouchers available.
Jail Chaplaincy - provides spiritual care to inmates at the Dane County Prison through financial support of Chaplaincy services.
"Thank you to all the people in your congregation for your recent donation to the MALC Jail Ministry. The generous support of congregations like yours makes it possible for the men and women incarcerated in the Dane County jail to receive spiritual care and pastoral support. Blessings to you," - Executive Committee of the MALC Jail Ministry
Lutherdale Bible Camp – is an important part of the confirmation experience. Among other things, Lutherdale Bible Camp: It builds relationships among the confirmation students, strengthens faith and provides faith models with the adult counselors, camp staff, church leaders and pastors. The camp works on the campers’ self esteem and confidence through High and Low Ropes, courses, games, canoeing, swimming, crafts, music, experiential Bible study, camp style worship, caring for farm animals and great food.
"Greetings to our ministry partners at First Lutheran Church:
Your gift in support of Lutherdale’s ministry is a blessing and greatly appreciated. Your partnership plays an important role in Lutherdale being a vibrant and strong Christian ministry. Thank you." - Jeffrey Blum, Executive Director Lutherdale
Lutheran Social Services – is an agency that provides all kinds of specialized ministries including individual counseling, adoption services, addiction recovery groups, etc.
Lutheran World Relief – is sponsored by several Lutheran synods. While the organization provides all kinds of assistance to the needy around the world.
"Your gift helps equip families and communities with the support and tools they need to free themselves from the grip of poverty and support themselves with dignity. On behalf of LWR, our partners and those we serve, please accept my thanks for your generous support and partnership. May God bless you!"
Skaalen Sunset Home – is a non-profit corporation supported by a number of area Lutheran Churches. Nursing Care, Assisted Living and Retirement Communities are all a part of Skaalen’s ministry
SToughton Area Resource Team (START) – is an ecumenical organization that is supported by local churches and other secular groups. Offices are located at the United Methodist Church of Stoughton. Residents who have difficulty paying rent, utility bills or other obligations are welcome to call 608-577-5650.
"Thank you very much for your support of the SToughton Area Resource Team. Your generous gifts will help Stoughton Area residents experiencing hardship or crisis. It will allow us to link families with community resources and provide support in housing, health, employment and financial assistance. Please know that your contribution truly makes a difference. With gratitude," - Cindy Thompson, START Program Director