2024 Lenten Schedule

Ash Wednesday, February 14, begins the Lenten season with the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.
Each Wednesday night in Lent starts with supper at 5:30 pm and worship at 7:00 pm. Similar to past years,
Holden Evening Prayer Service will be used on Wednesdays throughout Lent. This year, the Pastors
will offer sermons under the general theme of
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven.

FEB 14

Menu: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Chips, Veggies, Dip and Dessert

Leaders/Servers: Ann Olson, Susan Deneen, Confirmation Group 1

Music Groups: FLC Choir

Sermon: What Forgiveness is Not, Matthews 18:15-22

Feb 21

Menu: Walking Tacos, Dessert

Leaders/Servers: Erlene Bishop Killeen, Confirmation Group 2

Music Groups: Special Music

Sermon: Grace and Mercy is Forgiveness, Psalm 23

Feb 28

Menu: Chicken Nuggets, Macaroni and Cheese, Dessert

Leaders/Servers: Olstad/Seybold Families, Confirmation Group 3

Music Groups: Alleluia Bells

Sermon: Repentance and Forgiveness, Psalm 51:1-12


Menu: Chicken Soup, Subs, Dessert

Leaders/Servers: Confirmation Group 4

Music Groups: First Kids

Sermon: Forgiveness: Glue for Relationships, Genesis 45:1-15

Mar. 13

Menu: Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread, Fruit, Dessert

Leaders/Servers: The Stepp Family, Confirmation Group 5

Music Groups: Special Music

Sermon: Patience to Forgive, Ephesians 4:1-5, 32-33

Mar. 20

Menu: Grilled Brats & Hotdogs, Beans, Potato Salad, Ice Cream

Leaders/Servers: Todd Fossum, 9th Graders

Music Groups: Special Music

Sermon: The Wisdom of Forgiveness, Psalm 103:8-18